Welcome to our blog!

Jake and I are excited to be starting our first blog. We decided to create this blog to help keep everyone updated on what's new with Meredith Photography. By frequently posting new photos of our latest shoots, you all can know what we are up to, see our most recent work, and just stay better connected!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm in love....

...with my new little nephew, Easton. Can you blame me?

He's got daddy's dimples
b-b-b-b-bad to the bone
this one cracks me up. I can just hear him saying "peace out"

sleepy smile

I'm so in love with this little face!


Katie L. said...

Oh he is SO cute! I love the "bad" look! Great pictures!

Aaron + Kayti said...

he is so cute. how can you help but he in love with him!?

We do because we Mexi-Can! said...

Ok, can you reply to me on my blog or do you despise me??? JK I love everything..blah, blah, we already know that, now I need more details, where are you, how much do you cost, maybe you could take my kids pictures or something?

Adam B said...

Dang Mere - he is absolutely adorable. Way cute kid. :)

Saedi said...

He is so darling. I want to take a bite of him. Good work Mere!